Top 3 best facilities in INTI International University

Hi everyone! 🙂 This is my first time I writing a blog. So with that, I want to share my personal experience with all of you regarding some of the facilities in INTI International University. INTI International University is a public university that can give you to experience an awesome campus life.

At first, I am studying Diploma In Business for 2 years and now I am pursuing my studies to Degree. As a student of INTI , frankly speaking I proud to be here. The main reason why I choose to study in INTI because it is near to my house and it offers an affordable tuition fee and I also like some of the facilities that INTI International University had given to the students. Since I already been in INTI for a long time, I want to list down top 3 facilities that I like in INTI.


The Reason Why Everyone Love INTI Library

One of the facilities that I like is the library. The INTI library is so huge and it have more space for the students to study and rest. Not only that, it also have many discussion rooms for students to discuss their assignments privately and a computer zone for students to completing their assignments. Sometimes, I also use the computer to do my assignment if I did not bring my laptop then I save it in my own pen drive.

I always spend my time in the library. For example, after I already finished my morning class, I and my friends always go there to rest and chill for some time while waiting our next class. I also never go back home if I have afternoon class because for me it is wasting my time if I need to go back home and come again. I also had the experience using the discussion rooms with my friends. It is good to have discussion rooms inside library because we can discuss assignments peacefully and it will not disturb other people that studying there.

Not only that, I always borrowing some books in the library as a part of reference for my assignments. But, some of the books in the library I don’t really like it because it is quite old in terms of the edition. So, I think it is good if INTI can improve their book collection for the future students.

Tan Sri Abdul Majid Library
Discussion Rooms
Computer Zone
the old edition of some books in the library

Favorable atmosphere at INTI

Next, I like sidewalk cafe that INTI management has prepared for the students. Sidewalk cafe is located near to the library and it is build inside the student building area. It is good to have a cafe there because it is easy for me that did not have time take my breakfast or lunch at my home so I decided to buy something to eat at sidewalk cafe before going to the class. Sometimes, if I feel hungry after my classes finished, I will go to sidewalk cafe to have my meal there because I quite lazy to walk far away to cafeteria to buy food there.

In my opinion, I know sidewalk cafe has bring a lot convenience to the students as well as INTI lecturers and staffs. Sidewalk cafe have variety of foods and drinks for students to buy. For instance, sidewalk cafe has snacks such as crab balls, nuggets, sausage. In terms of foods and drinks, they have my favourite ‘nasi lemak’, fried noodles, fried chicken, fried rice, ”MILO” , ”NESCAFE” , orange juice and many more. The price of the foods and drinks there is affordable for all students to buy. Not only that, the food is tasty. For me, I always go to sidewalk cafe buy ‘nasi lemak’ with nuggets and iced ‘milo’ after I finished my morning class. I recommend you should try the food if you are studying here, okay?

Sidewalk cafe
SEats at sidewalk cafe

Why You Must Experience Inti Bus Service At Least Once In Your Lifetime

In addition, INTI International University has bus service for INTI students. This is one of the services that I really like because the bus service is free for the students. We just need to show our student ID to the bus driver and we are ready to go. INTI bus service will go to 5 destination to drop the students there . The location are KTM Nilai, Tesco, Giant, Aeon Mall Nilai and MesaMall Nilai. INTI bus will operate everyday including semester break and mid-term break but except for public holiday, their timing for waiting the bus is every 1 hour 15 minutes, the bus will go to the bus stop and pick up the students. This is for the local trips schedule.

I always wait for INTI bus everyday when I want to go to campus and also when I want to going back home. I will wait at KTM Nilai because this location quite near to my house. Not only that, I and my friends always go to Aeon Mall Nilai by the bus. So far, I have a good experience when using the bus. Why do I think so? You want to know right? Okay, it is because the bus have more seats, the bus driver is nice, and they drive the bus carefully, the bus is not like our public bus.

Besides that, INTI bus service also will be going to INTI Subang to pick up and drop the students there, but I did not really know the schedule because honestly I never been to INTI Subang using INTI bus. I think one day if I have the opportunities, I should try going to INTI Subang by the bus because I found out from my senior friends went there by bus is an interesting experience. I am sure you also curious what is special in INTI Subang, right? Me too!

inti bus parking zone

So.. After reading this blog, I am sure some of you planning to study in INTI, right? 🙂 If yes, you are making the right choice because INTI International University is not only about their best facilities, places or services but the inclusiveness of INTI is really special rather than other universities in Nilai! 🙂

My blog has come to the end, the top 3 facilities in INTI that I list down is indeed an amazing facilities, right? Actually, there are other facilities that you did not know yet, so if you really want to know.. What are you waiting for? Come to INTI, be an INTIans and discover more about this university!

Published by rsknrn

I am enjoying with my life.

21 thoughts on “Top 3 best facilities in INTI International University

  1. Nice blog! Has very good and interesting explanation. Informations are very detail and clear. I believe everyone will be able to understand.


  2. Love how you wrote about INTI facilities. There are so much to improve on but is still manageable for students to use. It may not be the top class facilities, is still good.. Enjoy the rest of your studies in INTI.


  3. Good write up and to study at a place that you like will improve your academic performance. Conducive environment creates conducive performance.
    I also heard from some students that the lecturers at Inti are approachable and helpful to students quest to learn and improve themselves.


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